Monday, August 1, 2011

LPTHW Exercise 0

In this exercise, we install Python. I am using Ubuntu 10.04, so I moved straight to the "Installing on Linux" section.
  1. I already have GEDIT
  2. Changed the defaults in Gedit as suggested in the book
  3. Found my terminal program
  4. Not yet putting my terminal in the dock
  5. Opened my terminal program
  6. I already have Python 2.6.5 installed
  7. Hit CTRL-D and I am out of the Python shell
  8. I am at the command prompt now
  9. Made a directory
  10. Changed into it
  11. Created a README.txt file in the directory
  12. Went to the terminal and back to the browser using just the keyboard
  13. I am back in the terminal and can see the directory. I also listed it's contents
Besides the things suggested in the book, I am planing to make this a git repository. I will either push all the exercises to GitHub, or paste them in Gists.

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