I did a little work in Python a very long time back, and grasped some key concepts of Python. Since then I have forgotten a lot of the stuff I learned back then, and feel like I need to refresh my knowledge.
What better time to refresh the knowledge than before Pycon 2011, Pune.
I just enrolled in the Introduction to Python online course at DIY Computer Science. This course is based on Zed Shaw's book "Learn Python the Hard Way 2.0".
This course is based on a peer learning model. Everyone who registers must maintain a blog which will serve as their learning journal (that is what this blog will be). The course consists of some reading and 52 exercises. Participants do the exercises and blog about their notes , reflections, and code. Then they submit their blog posts in the appropriate activity sections. If anyone has questions, they can ask them in the course forum.
So that's it. I am quite excited to refresh my Python skills...
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